Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sounds of the Islands

I wish I could capture the sounds of the islands, bottle them like rum, and serve them like a soothing drink to conjure the essense of the islands. Roosters roam the streets and hills, their soft cock-a-doodle-doos reverberate in the hollows all day.  When moored in the little harbors and cays of Jost Van Dyke young goats call continuously for their mothers as they roam back and forth over the crest of the little islands. The lapping of waves against the sides of the boat can be soothing or nerve wracking depending on the time of day and their intensity.

While diving and snorkeling it's a whole different experience. The sounds are sort of hollow and muted with Sea Hunt side effects (bubbles). Actually, it's surprising I could hear any of the intricate sounds of the islands at all since my ears are still blocked up from swimming. Not complaining...just saying.

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