Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Secondo giorno

-----Original Message-----
From: riamalloy@gmail.com

Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 15:44:31
Cc:"Maria Malloy" <riamalloy@gmail.com>
Subject: Secondo giorno

Firenze e bella citta'. The school is challenging on several levels. The 4 of us are having a great time in spite of the brain drain. Our host house is an apartment. There are 6 women here including our landlady, Fiommetta. But only one bathroom. Plenty of hot water but the tub is the size of a half whiskey barrel. And no curtain. Water goes all over the place. Mamma mia!

At the end of school today I could NOT have recalled my own name! There are maybe 75-100 students in the school. We are never all together at once so it is hard to know for sure. We range in age from 19 to, well, us. And from all over the world. Everyone is really very friendly.

The breakfasts leave a lot to be desired. But lunch and dinner make up for it. School is a brisk 40-45 minute walk from our house. That is, once we could agree on the correct route. It took us 90 or more minutes the first time. But we found some great sites along the way.

Ciao for now. Ria
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From: postgateway@blogger.com
To: Maria Malloy
Sent: Mar 28, 2008 1:02 AM
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AmyG said...

Whoa!!! Fifi (aka Fiometta) is in for some good times. The bathroom sounds familiar, if you all are anything like me (and you are!), you should be able to flood the entire house with one shower.

Try to keep Cece out of trouble.

Pocker said...

I like the idea of being in a half barrel of whiskey, but bathing would ruin it.

Today, I am driving Miss Daisey - thank you Cece!.

Aim and I had dinner at the Thai/Indian resturant (small probllem - no sign of Thai food -and then I took her to Sam's for blue grass. She took it pretty well. the indian food was good.

I pulled a April Fools joke on Brock yesterday morning, but he was so excited telling me about the school bus video I sent him - bus was supercharged and ran a quarter mile drag strip with fire works shooting way up into sky! I don't think he heard my joke - dumb kid

Love etc

LLW,Jr said...

I've been trying to put in a comment for 2 days and I'm afraid the comment is not very nice now.

LLW,Jr said...

Wow, it finally worked! I wish I were a fly on the wall. I know you all are having a great time. Put some pics in.

tina said...

Hey I found the blog. Hi everybody. Sure wish I could be among the travelers. I can only picture side splitting adventures.

tina said...

Sounds like FiFi is a shlumpadinka. Now say that in Italian